What to Expect
Long Hours
- Your teaching responsibilities will include everything that your cooperating teacher and the staff is responsible for
- Do not adopt the attitude that you are simply providing free labor for the teachers with whom you are teaching
- You do not yet have the experience to assume that what you are doing is correct
- This is an opportunity for you to find your own teaching voice under the careful and thoughtful guidance of a master teacher
- Should you have time alone with a class; this is a great opportunity to test your skills without someone watching over you and you can feel more at ease
- However, if you are never being observed by your cooperating teacher, you need to alert your UNT Supervising Professor
- Come into your teaching situation with a humble attitude, ready to absorb everything that you can -- good and bad
- If asked to cover a class - do so with a happy heart! Go for it!
- You may feel a bit unprepared, but you are smart
- You have common sense
- And let's face it, you do know more than the students with whom you will be working
- Get the lowdown from the teacher of record about what the class is working on, then review, practice, extend, and move on
- Realize that you may not always see the "big picture" with individual students or with the program
- Most likely there are reasons beyond your experience for the way things are done
- There are some students with accommodations that you may not be privy to
- There could be history of which you are unaware
- If your cooperating teacher shuts you down, find a time to have him/her explain to you the reasons; never be confrontational
In-Service Days
- The number of contracted days for a regular classroom teacher is 187 days; it is up to the district as to how many In-Service days
- The SBEC requires 150 hours of professional development every 5 years on your own time
- Your certificate will expire every 5 years, so be sure to use a personal email, as they will send you are reminder
- Compliance Training is required by every school district in Texas; we even do it here at UNT. This is usually done online at your own pace on your own time.
- Youth Suicide
- Sexual Harassment
- Child Abuse
- Blood Born Pathegens
- IT training
- The SBEC requires 30 hours of GT training for all new teachers; this can vary from district to district depending on your teaching field. The Texas Bandmasters Association Conference provides clinics that meet the GT requirements for music educators
Weekend and Evening Expectations
- Contests are generally held on the weekends; plan to attend and work
- Marching Contests
- Region, Area, & State auditions
- UIL Concert & Sight-reading
- Music Festivals
Constructive Criticism
- Accept this graciously
- Do not take anything personally; we are here for your professional growth, not to tear you down or to coddle you
- Everything that you experience is developing your character and your skills as a music educator
- You may even receive constructive comments in regards to your primary instrument; just add it to your toolbox
Times of Emotional &/or Mental Stress
- If you care about what you are doing and how you are doing it, this is inevitable
- There is nothing to be ashamed of if you are feeling emotional; this will pass.....but it will come back again and again
- It happens to seasoned educators as well
- We take our work seriously and personally; this is part of what will make you a great teacher
- Mental stress tends to come with lack of rest
- Take care of yourself
- Stay healthy
- Be realistic about your bedtime and your social habits during the week
You Will Make Mistakes
- From John Wooden - "If you're not making mistakes, you're not doing anything. I'm positive that a 'doer' makes mistakes."
- This is how you grow
- This is what helps develop your character
- Be able to admit your errors, especially if you make them in front of a class; students know-- they are checking you out to see what you know and will have greater respect for you if you own your mistakes.
Music is the movement of sound to reach the soul for the education of its virtue.