Application of Knowledge
The role of the musician is to go from concept to full execution. Put another way, it's to go from understanding the content of something to really learning how to communicate it and make sure it's well received and lives in someone else. ~ Yo-Yo-Ma
Prepare a method of disseminating information
- Generally speaking, the simpler the explanation the more effective
- Use the least amount of words to explain a concept
- Relate new information to something the student already knows
- Be organic in teaching embouchure
- Use syllables or words that will cause the face to take the desired shape
- Use actions, such as whistling or blowing a kiss to help teach embouchure
- The point is to have many tools in your teaching toolbox so that you can offer many different examples to teach the same concept
Be open to methods of others
- There is more than one way to do anything
- You may not understand the reasons for some things that are done - assume the directors have a goal in mind
- If it is not something that you can readily grasp, ask about it during your debriefing time
- At first, use the method of the cooperating teacher
- If you want to try something that you think might work better or will be just as affective; run it by the cooperating teacher first
- Remember, the buck stops with them, no matter who is doing the teaching
- Remember, you are not the expert yet
- It is always easier to watch someone teach or lecture and think that you could do a better job. It is usually a very different story when you are the one in the hot seat
- You may experience times when you will learn what NOT to do either through your own experience or by observing other teachers on your team
Make a prioritized list of what you are listening for in a full band rehearsal
- When you are observing a rehearsal, you see and hear things differently than when you are in front of the students
- You will stand in front of those students and not know where to start
- You will have them play the same thing over and over again without giving them instruction on what to change
- Have a list of things you want to listen or watch for and begin at the tope each time
- You may never get to the bottom of the list, but it is important to build those fundamental layers before you begin adding the more advanced ideas
Be prepared to model on every instrument
- Some concepts jut have to be modeled
- Characteristic sound
- Articulations
- Shaping a phrase
Curriculum alignment
- Know the curriculum for each grade level you will be teaching
- Most classes will have objectives to meet
- Create your lesson plans with the objectives in mind
- Talk to your cooperating teachers about the alignment from beginners through high school and even from elementary to middle school
- You will be assessed on your preparation, your delivery, and the results of the lessons that you teach
- Your students will be assessed on their skills, and in essence, this determines your effectiveness in the classroom
Best practices are basically engaging all elements of music in regards to program culture, program systems, musical understanding, instrumental performance, and musical independence.
Best practices are to be learned from, not mimicked.